
(c) Photo: Felix Pretis

Climate Econometrics Publications

Improving empirical models and forecasts with saturation-based machine learning

Martinez, A.B. and Ericsson, N.R. (2025) 'Improving empirical models and forecasts with saturation-based machine learning,' Annals of Operations Research. Available online here
Human-induced climate change increased 2021-2022 drought severity in Horn of Africa

Kimutai, J., Barnes, C., Zachariah, M., Philip, S.Y., Kew, S.F., Pinto, I. [...], Thalheimer, L. [...] & Otto, F.E. (2025) 'Human-induced climate change increased 2021-2022 drought severity in Horn of Africa,' Weather and Climate Extremes. Available online here
Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Macroeconomic Forecasting

Castle, J.L., Hendry, DF. and Miller, J.I. (2024), "Econometric forecasting of climate change", in M.P. Clements and A.B. Galvão (eds), Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Macroeconomic Forecasting, pg 361-395. Available online here
Spatial-temporal dynamics of structural unemployment in declining coal mining regions and potentialities of the 'just transition'

Mark, E., Rafaty, R. & Schwarz, M. (2024) "Spatial-temporal dynamics of structural unemployment in declining coal mining regions and potentialities of the 'just transition'", Energy Policy. Available online here
Climate policies that achieved major emission reductions: Global evidence from two decades

Stechmesser, A., Koch, N., Mark, E., Dilger, E., Klosel, P., Menicacci, L., Nachtigall, D., Pretis, F., Ritter, N., Schwarz, M., Vossen, H. & Wenzel, A. (2024) "Climate policies that achieved major emission reductions: Global evidence from two decades" Science. Available online here
A Review of the Bernanke Report on Economic Forecasting at the Bank of England

42--46 in Aikman and R. Barwell (Eds) The Bernanke Review: Responses from Bank of England Watchers, D.F. Hendry and J.N.J. Muellbauer. Available online here
Can the UK achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050?

Castle, J.L. & Hendry, D.F. (2024) "Can the UK achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050?" National Institute Economic Review. Available online here

Forecasting the UK top 1% income share in a shifting world

Castle, J.L., Doornik, J.A. & Hendry, D.F. (2024) "Forecasting the UK top 1% income share in a shifting world" Economica. Available online here
What a puzzle! Unravelling why UK Phillips Curves were unstable

Castle, J.L. & Hendry, D.F. (2024) "What a puzzle! Unravelling why UK Phillips Curves were unstable", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. Available online here
Five sensitive intervention points to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, illustrated by the UK

Castle, J.L. & Hendry, D.F. (2024) "Five sensitive intervention points to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, illustrated by the UK" Renewable Energy. Available online here
Testing for coefficient distortion due to outliers with an application to the economic impacts of climate change

Jiao, X, Pretis, F. & Schwarz, M. (2024) 'Testing for coefficient distortion due to outliers with an application to the economic impacts of climate change', Journal of Econometrics. Available online here
What a puzzle! Unravelling the instabilities in UK Phillips curves

Castle, J.L. and Hendry, D.F. (2023) 'What a puzzle! Unravelling the instabilities in UK Phillips curves', VoxEU. Available online here
The historical role of energy in UK inflation and productivity with implications for price inflation

Castle, J.L., Hendry, D.F. & Martinez, A.B. (2023) 'The historical role of energy in UK inflation and productivity with implications for price inflation', Energy Economics. Available online here
Systemic risk and compound vulnerability impact pathways of food insecurity in Somalia

Thalheimer, L., Gaupp, F. & Webersik, C. (2023) 'Systemic risk and compound vulnerability impact pathways of food insecurity in Somalia', Climate Risk Management. Available online here
A brief history of general-to-specific modelling

Hendry, D.F. (2023) 'A brief history of general-to-specific modelling' Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. Available online here
Improving models and forecasts after equilibrium-mean shifts

Castle, J.L., Doornik, J.A. & Hendry, D.F. (2023) 'Improving models and forecasts after equilibrium-mean shifts', International Journal of Forecasting. Available online here
Does protest influence political speech? Evidence from UK climate protest, 2017-2019

Barrie, C., Fleming, T.G. & Rowan, S.S. (2023) 'Does protest influence political speech? Evidence from UK climate protest, 2017-2019', British Journal of Political Science. Available online here
An empirical estimate for the snow albedo feedback effect

Kaufmann, R.K. and Pretis, F. (2023) 'An empirical estimate for the snow albedo feedback effect', Climatic Change, 176. Available online here
Why can economic forecasts go wrong?

Castle, J.L. & Hendry, D.F. (2023) 'Why can economic forecasts go wrong?', Economics Observatory. Available online here
Common volatility shocks driven by the global carbon transition

Campos-Martins, S. & Hendry, D.F. (2023) 'Common volatility shocks driven by the global carbon transition', Journal of Econometrics. Available online here
Large weather and conflict effects on internal displacement in Somalia with little evidence of feedback onto conflict

Thalheimer, L., Schwarz, M.P. and Pretis, F. (2023) 'Large weather and conflict effects on internal displacement in Somalia with little evidence of feedback onto conflict', Global Environmental Change. Available online here
What are the events that shake our world? Measuring and hedging global COVAL

Engle, R.F. & Campos-Martins, S. (2022) 'What are the events that shake our world? Measuring and hedging global COVOL', Journal of Financial Economics. Available online here
Machine learning dynamic switching approach to forecasting in the presence of structural breaks

Marcondes Pinto, J. and Castle, J.L. (2022) 'Machine learning dynamic switiching approach to forecasting in the presence of structural breaks', Journal of Business Cycle Research. Available online here
Extreme weather and climate policy

Rowan, S. (2022) 'Extreme weather and climate policy', Environmental Politics. Available online here
Financial market linkages and the sovereign debt crisis

Campos-Martins, S. and Amado, C. (2022) 'Financial market linkages and the sovereign debt crisis', Journal of International Money and Finance . Available online here
Political strategies to overcome climate policy obstructionism

Srivastav, S. & Rafaty, R. (2022) 'Political strategies to overcome climate policy obstructionism', Perspectives on Politics. Available online here
Attributing agnostically detected large reductions in road CO2 emissions to policy mixes

Koch, N., Naumann, L., Pretis, F., Ritter, N., & Schwarz, M. (2022) 'Attributing agnostically detected large reductions in road CO2 emissions to policy mixes', Nature Energy. Available online here
Allocation, allocation, allocation! The political economy of the development of the European Union Emissions Trading System

Sato, M., Rafaty, R., Calel, R., & Grubb, M. (2022) 'Allocation, allocation, allocation! The political economy of the development of the European Union Emissions Trading System', WIREs Climate Change. Available online here
Whose jobs face transition risk in Alberta? Understanding sectoral employment precarity in an oil-rich Canadian province

Scheer, A., Schwarz, M., Hopkins, D. & Caldecott, B. (2022) 'Whose jobs face transition risk in Alberta? Understanding sectoral employment precarity in an oil-rich Canadian province', Climate Policy. Available online here
Testing the presence of outliers in regression models

Jiao, X. & Pretis, F. (2022) 'Testing the presence of outliers in regression models', Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. Available online here
A globally consistent local-scale assessment of future tropical cyclone risk

Bloemendaal, N., De Moel, H., Martinez, A.B., Muis, S., Haigh, I.D., Van der Wiel, K., Haarsma, R.J., Ward, P.J., Roberts, M.J., Dullaart, J.C.M, & Aerts, J.C.J.H. (2022) 'A globally consistent local-scale assessment of future tropical cyclone risk', Science Advances, 8(17). Available online here
The role of anticipatory humanitarian action to reduce disaster displacement

Thalheimer, L., Simperingham, E. & Jjemba, E.W. (2022) 'The role of anticipatory humanitarian action to reduce disaster displacement', Environmental Research Letters, 17. Available online here
Decarbonization in state-owned power companies: Lessons from a comparative analysis

Benoit, P., Clark, A., Schwarz, M., & Dibley, A. (2022) 'Decarbonization in state-owned power companies: Lessons from a comparative analysis', Journal of Cleaner Production. Available online here
Does a carbon tax reduce CO2 emissions? Evidence from British Columbia

Pretis, F. (2022) 'Does a carbon tax reduce CO2 emissions? Evidence from British Columbia, Environmental and Resource Economics. Available online here
Analysing differences between scenarios

Hendry, D.F. & Pretis, F. (2022) "Analysing differences between scenarios" International Journal of Forecasting. Available online here
Econometrics for Modelling Climate Change

Castle, J.L. & Hendry, D.F. (2022) "Econometrics for Modelling Climate Change" Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Economics and Finance. Available online here
Sensitive intervention points in China's coal phaseout

Heerma van Voss, B. & Rafaty, R. (2022) "Sensitive intervention points in China's coal phaseout" Energy Policy, 163. Available online here
Smooth robust multi-horizon forecasts

Martinez, A.B., Castle, J.L., & Hendry, D.F. (2022) 'Smooth robust multi-horizon forecasts', Chudik, A., Hsiao, C., & Timmermann, A. (Ed.) Essays in Honor of M. Hashem Pesaran: Prediction and Macro Modeling (Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 43A), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 143-165. Available online here
Forecasting: theory and practice

Petropoulos, F. et al (2022) 'Forecasting: theory and practice', International Journal of Forecasting. Available online here
Forecasting facing economic shifts, climate change and evolving pandemics

Castle, J.L., Doornik, J.A. & Hendry, D.F. (2021) 'Forecasting facing economic shifts, climate change and evolving pandemics' Econometrics 10: 2. Available online here
Modeling and forecasting the COVID-19 pandemic time-series data

Doornik, J.A., Castle, J.L. and Hendry, D.F. (2021) 'Modeling and forecasting the COVID-19 pandemic time-series data', Social Science Quarterly. Available online here
Deciphering Impacts and Human Responses to a Changing Climate in East Africa

Thalheimer, L., Otto, F. and Abele S. (2021) "Deciphering Impacts and Human Responses to a Changing Climate in East Africa", Frontiers in Climate. Available online here
Oxford's Contributions to Econometrics

Hendry, D.F. & Nielsen, B. (2021) "Oxford's Contributions to Econometrics", The Palgrave Companion to Oxford Economics. Available online here
Selecting a model for forecasting

Castle, J.L., Doornik, J.A., & Hendry, D.F. (2021) "Selecting a model for forecasting", Econometrics, 9(3). Open Access. Available online here
The value of robust statistical forecasts in the Covid-19 pandemic

Castle, J.L., Doornik, J.A., & Hendry, D.F. (2021) "The value of robust statistical forecasts in the Covid-19 pandemic", National Institute Economic Review. Open Access. Available online here
Robust discovery of regression models

Castle, J.L., Doornik, J.A. & Hendry, D.F. (2021) "Robust discovery of regression models", Econometrics and Statistics. Open Access. Available online here
A dynamic econometric analysis of the dollar-pound exchange rate in an era of structural breaks and policy regime shifts

Castle, J.L. & Kurita, T. (2021) 'A dynamic econometric analysis of the dollar-pound exchange rate in an era of structural breaks and policy regime shifts', Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. Available online here
Does institutional proliferation undermine cooperation? Theory and evidence from climate change

Rowan, S.S. (2021) 'Does institutional proliferation undermine cooperation? Theory and evidence from climate change', International Studies Quarterly. Available online here
Forecasting Principles from Experience with Forecasting Competitions

Castle, J.L., Doornik, J.A., & Hendry, D.F. (2021) "Forecasting Principles from Experience with Forecasting Competitions", Forecasting (Special Issue), 3(1), 138-165. Available online here
Exogeneity in climate econometrics

Pretis, F. (2021). "Exogeneity in climate econometrics" Energy Economics. Available online here
Feedbacks among electric vehicle adoption, charging, and the cost and installation of rooftop solar photovoltaics

Kafmann, R.K., Newberry, D., Xin, C. & Gopal, S. (2021). "Feedbacks among electric vehicle adoption, charging, and the cost of installation of rooftop solar photovoltaics" Nature Energy. Available online here
Climate Economics Support for the UN Climate Targets

Hänsel, M.C., Drupp, M.A., Johansson, D.J.A., Nesje, F., Azar, C., Freeman, M.C., Groom, B., & Sterner, T. (2020) "Climate Economics Support for the UN Climate Targets" Nature Climate Change, 10, 781-789. Available online here.
Refunding emission payments: Output-based versus expenditure-based refunding

Hagem, C., Hoel, M., & Sterner, T. (2020) "Refunding emission payments: Output-based versus expenditure-based refunding", Environmental and Resource Economics, 77, 641-667. Available online here
Global mean thermosteric sea level projections by 2100 in CMIP6 climate models

Jevrejeva, S., Palanisamy, H. & Jackson, L.P. (2020) "Global mean thermosteric sea level projections by 2100 in CMIP6 climate models" Environmental Research Letters. Available online here
Understanding glacial cycles: A multivariate disequilibrium approach

Kaufmann, R. and Pretis, F. (2020) "Understanding glacial cycles: A multivariate disequilibrium approach" Quaternary Science Reviews. Available online here
Statistical Short-term Forecasting of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Doornik, J.A., Hendry, D.F. & Castle, J.L. (2020) "Statistical Short-term Forecasting of the COVID-19 Pandemic" Journal of Clinical Immunology & Immunotherapy. Available online here
How urbanization enhanced exposure to climate risks in the Pacific: A case study in the Republic of Palau

Mason, D.L., Iida, A., Watanabe, S., Jackson, L.P., Yokohari, M. (2020). "How urbanization enhanced exposure to climate risks in the Pacific: A case study in the Republic of Palau"Environmental Research Letters. Available online here
Modelling non-stationary 'Big Data'

Castle, J.L., Doornik, J.A. & Hendry, D.F. (2020). "Modelling non-stationary 'Big Data', International Journal of Forecasting. Available online here
Can the UK achieve net-zero emissions in a post-Covid-19 economic recovery?

Castle, J.L. and Hendry, D.F. (2020) 'Can the UK achieve net-zero emissions in a post-Covid-19 economic recovery', Economics Observatory. Available online here
Short-term forecasting of the coronavirus pandemic

Doornik, J.A., Castle, J. L. & Hendry, D.F. (2020) "Short-term forecasting of the coronavirus pandemic", International Journal of Forecasting. Available online here
The Challenge of Using Epidemiological Case Count Data: The Example of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases and the Weather

Cohen, F., Schwarz, M., Li, S., Lu, Y. Jani, A. (2020). "The Challenge of Using Epidemiological Case Count Data: The Example of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases and the Weather", Environmental and and Resource Economics: Perspectives on the Economics of the Environment in the Shadow of Coronavirus, 76, 447-517. Available online here
Climate Econometrics: An Overview

Castle, J.L. & Hendry, D.F. (2020) "Climate Econometrics: An Overview", Foundations and Trends in Econometrics, 10(3-4), 145-322. Available here (Final proof copy)
Comparing urban coastal flood risk in 136 cities under two alternative sea-level projections: RCP 8.5 and an expert opinion-based high-end scenario

Abadie, L.M., Jackson, L.P., Sainz de Murieta, E., Jevrejeva, S., and Galarraga, I. "Comparing urban coastal flood risk in 136 cities under two alternative sea-level projections: RCP 8.5 and an expert opinion-based high-end scenario"Ocean and Coastal Management, 193. Available online here
Improving Normalized Hurricane Damages

Martinez, A.B. (2020) "Improving Normalized Hurricane Damages", Nature Sustainability, 3, 517-518. Available online here
A Short History of Macro-econometric Modelling

Hendry, D.F. (2020) "A Short History of Macro-Econometric Modelling", Journal of Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development, 1(1).
Decarbonising the future UK economy

Hendry, D.F. and Castle, J.C. (2020) VoxEU. Available online here
Forecast accuracy matters for hurricane damage

Martinez, A.B. (2020) Econometrics. Available online here
Climate change, conflicts and migration

Thaliheimer, L. and Webersik, C. (2020) "Climate change, conflicts and migration" in Environmental Conflicts, Migration and Governance, Tim Krieger, Diana Panke and Michael Pregernig (eds). Bristol University Press. Available to purchase online here
Technology transfer and innovation for low-carbon development

Pigato, M.A., Black, S.J., Dussaux, D., Mao, Z., McKenna, M., Rafaty, R. and Touboul, S. (2020) World Bank. Available online here
Revoking coal mining permits: an economic and legal analysis

Rafaty, R., Srivastav, S. & Hoops, B. (2020) Climate Policy. Available online here
The Paradox of Stagnant Real Wages yet Rising 'Living Standards' in the UK

Castle, J.L., Hendry, D.F., & Martinez, A.B. (2020). VoxEU Available online here

The Picture from Above: Using Satellite Imagery to Overcome Methodological Challenges in Studying Environmental Displacement

Heslin, A. and Thalheimer, L. (2020). Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration. Available online here
Annals Issue: Econometric Models of Climate Change

Edited by Eric Hillebrand, Felix Pretis and Tommaso Proietti (2020) "Econometric Models of Climate Change"Journal of Econometrics, 214(1), 1-294. Available online here
Modelling our Changing World

Castle, J.L. and Hendry, D.F. (2019). Palgrave. Open Access. Available online here
Variation in responsiveness to warranted behaviour change among NHS clinicians: Novel implementation of change detection methods in longitudinal prescribing data.

Walker, A.J., Pretis, F., Powell-Smith, A., and Goldacre, B. (2019). The British Medical Journal. Available online here

Pitfalls in Comparing Paris Pledges

Rowan, Sam (2019), Climatic Change Open Access. Available online here.

Probabilistic Sea Level Projections at the Coast by 2100

S. Jevrejeva, T. Frederikse, R.E. Kopp, G. Le Cozannet, L.P. Jackson, R.S.W. van de Wal. 2019. Surveys in Geophysics. doi: 10.1007/s10712-019-09550-y. Available online here
Forecasting: An Essential Introduction

Jennifer L. Castle, Michael P. Clements, and David F. Hendry 2019, Yale University Press, Open Access. Available online here
Econometric Modelling of Climate Systems: The Equivalence of Energy Balance Models and Cointegrated Vector Autoregressions.

Felix Pretis, May 27, 2019. Journal of Econometrics. Available online here

Card Forecasts for M4.

Jurgen A. Doornik, Jennifer L. Castle, and David F. Hendry. 31 May 2019. International Journal of Forecasting. Available Online here

Sensitive Intervention Points in the Post-Carbon Transition

J.D. Farmer, C. Hepburn, M.C. Ives, T. Hale, T. Wetzer, P. Mealy, R. Rafaty, S. Srivastav, R. Way. 12 April 2019, Science, Volume 364, Issue 6436. Available online here.
Coastal Sea level rise around the China Seas

Qu, Y., Jevrejeva, S., Jackson, L.P., & Moore, J.C. 2018, Global and Planetary Change, 127, 454-463, Available online here.
JSSAutomated General-to-Specific (GETS) Regression Modeling and Indicator Saturation for Outliers and Structural Breaks

Pretis, F., Reade, J.J., Sucarrat, G. 2018. Journal of Statistical Software, 86(4). [10.18637/jss.v086.i03]

R-package `gets' available here.
ERLFlood damage costs under the sea level rise with warming of 1.5°C and 2°C

Jevrejeva, S, Jackson, L.P., Grinstead, A., Lincke, D., and Marzeion, B., 2018. Environmental Research Letters, 13 (7). Available online here
ebm_web"Global probabilistic projections of extreme sea levels show intensification of coastal flood hazard"

Michalis I. Vousdoukas, Lorenzo Mentaschi, Evangelos Voukouvalas, Martin Verlaan, Svetlana Jevrejeva, Luke P. Jackson & Luc Feyen , 2018. Nature Communications. [DOI 10.1038/s41467-018-04692-w]
ebm_web"Uncertain impacts on economic growth when stabilizing global temperatures at 1.5°C or 2°C warming"

Pretis, Felix, Moritz Schwarz, Kevin Tang, Karsten Haustein, and Myles R Allen, 2018. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. [DOI 10.1098/rsta.2016.0460]

Non-technical summary and impact data here.

"21st century sea-level rise in line with the Paris accord"

Luke P. Jackson, Aslak Grinsted, Svetlana Jevrejeva (2018). [ Pre-print accepted version available here]
Earth's Future. DOI 10.1002/2017EF000688.
working_webAn independent record of large volcanic events over the past millennium from reconstructed summer temperatures

Schneider, Lea. Smerdon, E, Jason. Pretis, Felix. Hartl-Meier, Claudia. and Jan Esper, 2017. Environmental Research Letters. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa7a1b.

Oxford Martin School news on the paper.
ebm_webCarbon Dioxide Emission-Intensity in Climate Projections: Comparing the Observational Record to Socio-Economic Scenarios

Pretis, Felix, and Roser, Max, 2017, Energy, in press. doi: 10.1016/

Available online here.
Earlier version also available as Oxford Economics Discussion Paper, 810, here.
Oxford University Science Blog on the paper: here.
ebm_webEvaluating multi-step system forecasts with relatively few forecast-error observations

Hendry, David, F. and Martinez, Andrew, B. (2017) International Journal of Forecasting. Available online here.
pnasSpatial heterogeneity of climate change as an experiential basis for skepticism

Robert K. Kaufmann, Michael L. Mann, Sucharita Gopal, Jackie A. Liederman, Peter D. Howe, Felix Pretis, Xiaojing Tang, and Michelle Gilmore (2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Available online here.
Oxford Martin School News on the study here.
paleoAll Change! The Implications of Non-stationarity for Empirical Modelling, Forecasting and Policy

David F. Hendry and Felix Pretis (2016), Oxford Martin Policy Paper.
Available online here.
paleoCoastal sea level rise with warming above 2 °C

Svetlana Jevrejeva, Luke P. Jackson, Riccardo E. M. Riva, Aslak Grinsted, and John C. Moore (2016), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1605312113
Available online here.

The Conversation article on the research here.
paleoA probabilistic approach to 21st century regional sea-level projections using RCP and high-end scenarios.

Luke P. Jackson and Svetlana Jevrejeva. (2016), Global and Planetary Change. doi: 10.1111/joes.12148 Available online here.
paleoDetecting Volcanic Eruptions in Temperature Reconstructions by Designed Break-Indicator Saturation.

Pretis, Felix., Schneider, Lea., Smerdon, Jason, E., and Hendry, David, F. (2016), Journal of Economic Surveys. doi: 10.1111/joes.12148 Available online here.

Working paper version available here.
paleoTesting competing forms of the Milankovitch hypothesis: A multivariate approach.

Kaufmann, Robert K., and Katarina Juselius (2016), Paleoceanography. doi: 10.1002/2014PA002767 Available online here.
2.coverReflections – Managing Uncertain Climates: Some Guidance for Policy Makers and Researchers.

Convery, Frank J. and Gernot Wagner, (2015), Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 9 (2): 304-320. Available online here.
clim_change_borderTesting Competing Models of the Temperature Hiatus: Assessing the effects of conditioning variables and temporal uncertainties through sample-wide break detection

Pretis, Felix, and Mann, Michael, L. and Kaufmann, Robert K., 2015, Climatic Change, 131:4, 705-718, doi: 10.1007/s10584-015-1391-5. Available online here.
econometricsDetecting Location Shifts during Model Selection by Step-Indicator Saturation

Castle Jennifer, L. Hendry, David F. Doornik, Jurgen. A., and Felix Pretis. 2015, Econometrics, 3, 240-264, doi:10.3390/econometrics03020240. Available online here.

Code for indicator saturation: isat in gets (in R), and SIS in Ox.
ngeo6_webClimate Science: Breaks in Trends

Pretis, Felix and Myles R. Allen. 2013, Nature Geoscience, 6, 992-993, doi:10.1038/ngeo2015. Available online here.
esdSome hazards in econometric modelling of climate change

Pretis, Felix, and David F. Hendry. 2013, Earth System Dynamics, 4, 375-384, doi:10.5194/esd-4-375-2013. Available online here.
handbook_ecc_webAnthropogenic Influences on Atmospheric CO2

Hendry, David F., and Felix Pretis. 2013, Handbook on Energy and Climate Change. Ch. 12. R. Fouquet ed. Edward Elgar. Available online here.

Full list