2021 EMCC-V: Econometric Models of Climate Change Conference

The fifth conference on econometric models of climate change will take place online on August 26-27, 2021.

The Department of Economics of the University of Victoria, together with CREATES at Aarhus University, the Department of Economics and Finance (DEF) at the University of Rome-Tor Vergata, and Climate Econometrics at the University of Oxford, are hosting the 5th Conference on “Econometric Models of Climate Change” online.

The Conference on Econometric Models of Climate Change has been taking place annually since 2016 and aims to promote an interdisciplinary approach to the detection and attribution of climate change, econometric estimates of socio-economic and financial climate impacts, as well as policy evaluation (for past programmes see here).


Final Programme available here. 

Conference registration: here.


Call for Papers (now closed):

We solicit submissions of papers whose novelty stems from the applications, development, and introduction of econometric methods to models of climate change – inviting papers using econometric methods to analyze climate data, as well as econometric studies of socio-economic climate impacts and policy. Please submit your paper (or abstract) to one of the conference organizers by June 15th, 2021.

Conference Organisation

  • Eric Hillebrand, CREATES, Aarhus University, ehillebrand@econ.au.dk
  • Felix Pretis, Department of Economics, University of Victoria, & Climate Econometrics, Nuffield College, Univ. Oxford; fpretis@uvic.ca
  • Tommaso Proietti, Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza, Università di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’, tommaso.proietti@uniroma2.it

Join the Climate Econometrics network to receive conference updates.

Themed-Issue at Journal of Econometrics

Concurrent with the conference, the Journal of Econometrics has an open call for paper on the theme of ‘Climate Econometrics’. Conference participants are encouraged to submit their work to the issue (conference participation is not required for submission). Further information can be found here.

The submission deadline for the themed issue is December 15th, 2021, but submissions are already open at the journal and will be reviewed on a rolling basis.